Sunday, 29 October 2017

VIXX in Vancouver - My First K-pop Concert

So I just came back from the VIXX concert in Vancouver. I have school tomorrow, so thankfully the concert was in a convenient location for me.

When they came out on the stage for the first time, I could only recognize Ken from a distance, since his features stood out the most. They started off with Fantasy, and then went with Chained Up, but after the third song we were all asked to put our phones and cameras away and just enjoy the show. I managed to get a few okay shots of them.

Hyuk showed off the best English, but all of them needed a translator. Points to all of them for trying and improving on their English skills. 

Hongbin's speaking voice is so deep (not like Wonwoo deep but you get the idea), you wouldn't expect it from a flower boy like him. 

Leo and Ken's high notes live were legendary. 

There was such a contrast between their dark, edgy, and charismatic dances and their real personalities. In the middle of the concert, they brought out some chairs and asked each other to do some challenges requested by Canadian fans. Ken started singing the ABC song, both him and N got to show off their vocals in musical-style, Hongbin died a little inside when he had to do some aegyo, N and Ravi had a staring contest, N was about to fight Ravi, and Ravi lost and had to do the "oppa-ya" dance. Also, Leo had to write his fellow members' names with his... belly button? He also died a bit inside.

Fun fact: my mom dubbed N "mouse boyfriend". Apparently he resembles a mouse?

There was SO. MUCH. SCREAMING. OH MY GOD. Sometimes, someone in the audience would yell out "I love you!" and N or whoever heard the comment would go like, "I love you too!" Those people were lucky. I tried, but I don't think they heard me. I think I lost some of my hearing after this. 

At the end, we all got to stand up and dance, and it really brought all of us together. 

Now, the part I unintentionally spent extra moolah on: the hi-touch. I was hyped to actually be touching VIXX, especially my biases N and Hongbin. It went by wayyyy too quickly, unfortunately, and I think they've forgotten me already. 

Leo looks a lot less scary up close. Ravi also looked soft. I kinda whizzed by Ken, Hyuk, and unfortunately Hongbin before I reached N at the end, although I do remember Hongbin and Hyuk being good-looking and gentle in person. The only things I had time to say to all of them were "good job" and "thank you", but once I got to N, I randomly blurted, "I like you!" I don't think he heard me though. My hand is still trembling from his high-five, though. 

Also, they're not as intimidatingly tall as I thought they were. Then again, I didn't really have time to check. 

Now every time I look at or hear VIXX now I'm going to remember this concert and remember their faces when they hi-fived me, it was just such an unforgettable experience 

TL;DR as a broke college student, spending $250-something to high-five VIXX for 1 second each as my first K-pop concert was definitely worth it. 

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